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Student Intent To Graduate/Complete Form


Adding a course before Last Day to Add: A student may request to add a course within the first two weeks of any given quarter by submitting this form no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday of Week 2 ("Last Day To Add"). A student may not add any course after that date. 

Dropping a course before Last Day to Drop: A student may drop a course within the first two weeks of any given quarter by submitting this form no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday of Week 2 ("Last Day To Drop"). A student receives no penalty or transcript marking for a course dropped prior to Last Day to Drop, and any course dropped before that deadline will not count towards total attempted credits or be factored into the student's GPA.

Dropping a course after Last Day to Drop: A student may also drop a course after the Last Day to Drop, but in this case the student will receive the marking of W (for "Withdrawn") for the course on their transcript, which is counted as credit attempted but not received and counts as a grade of 0 towards GPA calculation until such time as the student repeats the course for a passing grade, at which time it is replaced by the new grade.

How do you wish to receive your degree or certificate of completion?

Thanks for submitting!

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